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[Construction customized automation and control system for club video, lighting and computer]

We have completed the design and construction of a system to enable AV automation and control of video, lighting and computer facilities based on UCON for 3D hologram image production in club "Circle" located in Gangnam.

Club operators can use the Galaxy Tab Tablet PC to control 11 multi-beam projectors distributed in 4 locations, 4 computers and lights remotely on / off and various functions according to the scenario desired.

U-TAS's engineering team has developed the next-generation UCON control system and customized UI programming for multiple interfaces (Infrared, TCP / IP, RS232, RS485, Relay and Digital I / O) protocols for customized AV automation and integrated control systems based on operating scenarios To provide a variety of AV and lighting facilities within the club for more effective operation.




Install Case

Install Case

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